Interviews with Just Human

Carolina Romano, a volunteer in communications at Just Human, provides a personal insight into the work of Just Human through interviews. The interviews have been published on YouTube.

Carolina Romano has so far conducted interviews with
1. Katja Walterscheid, Chairwoman of the Board and co-founder of Just Human


You can find the interview with Katja Walterscheid in German translation here.

2. Ali R., Managing Director Just Human Greece, Project Coordinator for LGBTTIQ refugees

just human im Interview / Carolina Romano im Gespräch mit Ali R., Geschäftsführer just human Griechenland

The interview with Ali R. in German translation can be found here.

3. Eleni S., Project Coordinator Just Human Athens, Maison Charlotte – shelter for women and children

just human im Interview / Carolina Romano im Gespräch mit Eleni, Projektkoordinatorin Maison Charlotte

You can find the interview with Eleni S. in German translation here.


We are happy to answer further questions about our commitment and our projects at any time.
You can reach us at and at +49(0)17672154483