Statutes “just human e.V.”
§ 1 Name, location
- The society is named „just human“. It is located in Stuttgart, Germany.
- The society is officially registered as a non-profit making society and thus receives the addition „e.V”.
- The working year is the calendar year.
§ 2 Purpose
- The purpose of the society is to help refugees, as well as to support actions to help alleviate reasons leading to their flight and it will support the development of democratic structures and administration.
In detail, the society will focus on:- The assistance of refugees who had to flee their countries because of war, violence, political or personal persecution, exploitation or economic problems,
- international ethos and tolerance in all areas of culture and human understanding,
- cooperation in developmental work,
- assistance for people, especially of women and girls as well as lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, transsexuals and intersexuals, whose human rights are violated,
- analysis and research towards understanding the reasons leading to flight and their abolishment and support for people who are affected by war, violence, political or personal persecution, exploitation or economic problems,
- education and qualification into reasons for flight and assistance in building democratic structures and administration.
- The purpose of the statutes will be achieved by
- helping individuals or developing projects to help save refugees in danger of death, as well as the application of basic human care and medical, psychosocial and legal support both in Germany and worldwide,
- actions and projects to avoid reasons for flight, e.g., engagement in human rights and against climatic changes, weapon dealing, violence and economic exploitation, as well as in the development of democratic structures and administration,
- political lobbying, awareness and information for the public,
- the development of organisational structures in Germany and worldwide.
§ 3 Public benefits and benevolence
- The society pursues only benefits to the public and benevolence in the context of the section „Tax deductible purposes” in the general German tax code.
- The society is altruistic: it is not designed to generate profits.
- Society capital may only be used for the purposes described in the statutes. Society members will not receive financial gains from the society capital.
- No-one will profit in any way through donations or disproportionate gratuities that are not covered by the society statutes.
§ 4 Management Body of the Society
- The society is governed through the general assembly meetings and members of the board.
§ 5 Membership
- Any natural or judicial person or who is prepared to help realise the society goals can become a society member. The steering committee will decide who may become a member.
- Membership ends:
- Through a written statement to the steering committee explaining the reasons for wishing to leave. Membership will officially finish at the end of the calendar year,
- through expulsion of a member,
- through death of a member (judicial persons through contract termination).
- Any member can be expelled if his/her behaviour grossly contradicts the interests of the society. The steering committee will decide over the expulsion.
- Anyone who has voluntarily left or been expelled from the society will have no claims on the society´s assets.
- The amount for membership fees shall be decided by the members at the society´s general assembly meetings. The society deals with donations from members and third party grants for the purposes listed under §2. Society members shall also be active in attracting new financial donors and supporters in order to achieve the purposes listed under §2.
§ 6 General Assembly Meetings
- The official members assembly meeting shall take place once per year. Additional meetings may be organised if it is in the interest of the society or when at least 20% of the members call for such an additional meeting by written application stating their reasons and purpose of the meeting.
- Every society member shall receive a written invitation to the general members assembly meeting from the board, either by post or email at least four weeks prior to the meeting, which shall include the planned agenda.
- The chairperson is the chair of the board, or in case of their absence, the second chair of the board of the society. In case neither can attend, a chairperson shall be named by the attending members through a majority vote. A secretary shall also be chosen by the attending members.
- Every Members Assembly Meeting listed above shall be competent in making decisions, regardless of the number present at the meeting, according to the specifications.
- Any decisions made at the general meeting shall be carried through a simple majority of the valid votes made. Abstentions will count as invalid votes. Any changes to the statutes of the society shall require a majority of 75% of the valid votes made. The board shall decide on the form of voting. However, this must be made using written voting forms, unless all of the attending members prefer to have an open vote.
- A written protocol shall be made concerning any decisions made, that shall be signed by the chairperson and the chosen secretary.
§ 7 Board
- The total size of the board shall consist of at least three and maximally five members. At least 50% of the steering committee shall be female.
- The official board representatives shall consist of the chair of the board and second chair of the board of the society. Each can represent the society individually according to German law (§ 26 BGB). At least one of these shall be female.
- The board shall be voted in at the general membership meeting for a period of at least two years. All members of the steering committee shall remain in office until a new election takes place.
- The board may select an executive manager to assist in running the society. The executive manager will be responsible for all aspects of the society not as a controller for the board and shall become a member of the committee with voting powers. The executive manager may represent the society with the same rights as the chair of the board or second chair of the board following written authorization according to German law (§ 26 BGB).
- The board shall make concrete decisions concerning the realization of those purposes listed under § 2 and shall report on such projects at the general membership assembly, listing successes or failures of projects. The society board and if named, the executive manager are entitled to introduce their own applications for support.
§ 8 Auditing Control
- The general meeting assembly shall select two members as account auditors for a period of two years each.
- The auditors shall control the accounts according to correct cash management by the the board and where present, the executive manager. The auditors shall report annually at the general membership assembly meeting.
§ 9 Closure, Access to the Society´s funds
In case the society closes or through loss of tax-privileged purposes, the society funds will be passed on to the medica mondiale e.V. That society must immediately and exclusively utilize these funds only for non-profit making charitable purposes.