Foto: Joachim E. Röttgers
Our cooperation partners:
just human is a member of:
ILGA – International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association
Cooperations in Greece
To support LGBT+ refugees as well as refugee women and children, just human cooperates with many other organizations in Greece.
Many LGBT+ refugees who are not even on the waiting list at Safe Place Greece, for example, live homeless in Athens without any prospect of support. just human is committed to at least providing funding for sleeping places and emergency aid. Donations under the donation purpose “Support for LGBT+” make this help possible. In addition, just human finances medical treatments and hormone therapies when needed.
Information on the legal situation of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals, Transgender * worldwide exists here.
To support women and children, just human has founded its own shelter, Maison Charlotte. Further help for mothers and children is made possible by a fund from Sternstunden e.V. for food aid, medical treatments and the promotion of play and learning materials. For further assistance, just human cooperates with many other organizations in Greece.
just human visits Safe Place International
From October 14 to 20, 2019, Katja Walterscheid and Elka Edelkott, board members of just human, were in Athens. They informed themselves about the situation of LGBT+ refugees in Athens. They visited the Community Center of Safe Place Greece, offered workshops for refugees and for the team of Safe Place Greece and discussed further cooperation possibilities.
Visit to Lesvos in February 2020
From February 5 to 8, 2020, Elka Edelkott from just human was on Lesvos. She visited the shelter for women of the organization Safe Place Greece and talked to representatives of other NGOs. The situation in the refugee camps was catastrophic. Not only because the pouring rain during the visit softened the paths, because it was cold and blankets were missing, because the asylum procedures drag on and people have to stay in the camps for months. Most distressing were the reports of violence, the defenselessness of many women, and the defenselessness of many unaccompanied minors in the camps.
Cooperation with the Starfish Foundation on Lesbos
During the visit to Lesvos, the cooperation with the Starfish Foundation was established. This cooperation has made possible, for example, the project “BabyBoxes and breastfeeding counseling for mothers of newborns” in the refugee camp Moria 2 on Lesvos, which was funded by the city of Stuttgart in 2020 and 2021. Help for refugee women and children is possible under the keyword “Refugee women and children”.